We hope all of our students enjoyed our Christmas meal today. Wishing you all Merry Christmas!
about 2 months ago, Cafeteria
Christmas lunch
Christmas Lunch
Christmas Lunch
Please join us tonight as we honor our parents. This ad was created by Tatum Gore.
about 2 months ago, Lauren Hodde
Panther Cheer Youth Camp is back!! Youth Camp will be held after school on January 29th/30th. Please return your registration form and make payment by Friday, January 10th to the elementary office. Look for the flyer and registration form this week in your child's folder.
about 2 months ago, Unger, Rachael
youth camp
youth camp
On Saturday, these students competed with 600 other middle school students to earn a spot in the ATSSB Middle School Region Band in Smithville. Three students earned a spot, one was a first alternate, and the other student earned an honorable mention. Earning a spot were: Giovanni S. - 10th Chair Flute Concert Band - 24th out of 100 other flute players. Felicity S. - 12th Chair Trumpet Concert Band - 26th out of 82 other trumpet players Colton V. - 5th Chair Trombone Symphonic Band - 5th out of 58 other trombone players Scarlett D. - 1st Alternate Bass Clarinet Sophie M. - Honorable Mention These students did great after a very long day. You can see them perform on January 25th at the Jerry F. Wilhelm PAC in Bastrop at 4:30.
about 2 months ago, Burton Panther Band
Burton JH Region Band results
Coach Morris' 8th grade Professional Communications Class had an amazing opportunity today! Some of the seniors came to conduct mock job interviews, providing her 8th graders with valuable real-world experience and insights. The seniors were able to refine their interviewing and leadership skills, while the 8th graders showcased the resumes and cover letters they created in Coach Morris' class. A huge thank you to our seniors for taking the time to mentor and guide our students!⭐️💼🎓
about 2 months ago, JAYLA MORRIS
3rd period
Reagan, Bailey, Kelsie
Ms. Unger's JH ELA students presented their poems created from their verse novels they finished last week. Along with "a little cup of cocoa, sending 'round your way. I hope that you'll enjoy it, on some cold and wintry day!" (even though it's warm)
about 2 months ago, Unger, Rachael
ONLY online tickets for Burton Boys Basketball at Allen Academy on 12/10/24. JV - 5 pm, Varsity - 6 pm https://gofan.co/app/school/TX24645
2 months ago, Burton ISD
Basketball Game No cash accepted at door.   All tickets must be purchased online. https://gofan.co/app/school/TX24645 Burton Boys Basketball @ Allen Academy 12/10/24 5 pm - JV 6 PM - Varsity
Interested in a Theatre Arts Shirt? Please see https://www.myschoolbucks.com/ver2/prdembd?ref=ZZ62C0YMPKFEPNW_ZZ64YGOFYYDLHSD and order yours today! Proceeds benefit the Theatre Arts Dept. With MySchoolBucks Burton ISD can now accept credit & debit card payments! - Due 12/12/24
2 months ago, Burton ISD
Images depicting the front and back of the Burton ISD Theatre Arts Department T-Shirt.
Congratulations to the following band students for making the ATSSB Region Band. Emily G. - 2nd Chair Symphonic Band, Cadeyn M. - 3rd Chair Wind Ensemble, Vivian L. - 6th Chair Wind Ensemble. They advance to area in January. They will perform in the Region Band Clinic-Concert on January January 18th, 2025 at the Jerry Fay Wilhelm Performing Arts Center in Bastrop.
2 months ago, Burton Panther Band
Panther Band Members make Region Band
Staff & students took a well-deserved break for Thanksgiving, but construction did not stop. These are photos of the progress as of November 19. After the soil test is completed, the foundation will be poured, followed by the commencement of plumbing and electrical work. The athletic complex's framing will include key areas such as the gymnasium, locker rooms, weight room, and concession area, designed to support both team and spectator needs. The concession area will be strategically located for easy access during events. Additionally, the framing of the high school building will include spacious classrooms designed for modern learning environments, along with administrative offices to support faculty, staff, and student services. The pouring of concrete around the stadium will create additional parking spaces to accommodate increased traffic and provide more convenient access. This expansion will not only support event parking but also facilitate smoother student drop-off and pick-up during the morning and afternoon hours. The new concrete surfaces will help manage traffic flow, reduce congestion, and improve safety for both students and parents during peak times. Additionally, the expanded parking area will ensure that there is ample space for visitors attending athletic events and school activities. Stay tuned for images of the new wall framing and ductwork that has been installed for classrooms & the continued progress on subgrade electrical & sewer lines for the band hall phase.
2 months ago, Burton ISD
Work continues on the new gym, safe workout facilities & locker areas, a new concession stand that will serve the stadium & gym, high school administration offices, and over half of the high school classrooms. Drone Images from November 19, 2024 New Classroom Building Current Cafeteria Building Rock Building Competition Gym Weight Room/ Locker Room/ Concessions Current Ag Building
The road around Panther Stadium is curing. This will lead to staff and student parking. Drone Images from November 19, 2024
The subgrade plumbing & electrical work is being done before additional soil testing. Drone Images from November 19, 2024 New Classroom Building Current Cafeteria Building Rock Building New Band Hall Location
2 months ago, Lauren Hodde
We are gathering information on summer meal distribution. If you are interested in summer meals for your children please fill out the questionnaire in the link below. https://forms.gle/1eaEQfztYNc4Gh7U9
2 months ago, Cafeteria
Congrats to our football players on their All-District Honors!
2 months ago, Lauren Hodde
Seniors and senior parents, please join us to learn more about the FAFSA and what steps you will need to take to complete this graduation requirement.
2 months ago, Angela Rhodes
Good luck to our Lady Panthers tomorrow! This game day ad was created by Valerie Hernandez.
3 months ago, Lauren Hodde
Congratulations to the Lady Panthers for taking 2nd in the Caldwell Tournament!
3 months ago, Lauren Hodde
Progress continues to be made on the new building. This week studs and AC ducting installs were started in the new classrooms. The attached image shows the original plans overlaid on drone footage of the area.
3 months ago, Burton ISD
Overlay of 5/22 plans on a drone image taken 11/15/24
Hey all you Lady Panther Basketball fans....get your game day gear before it's too late! Orders are due Tues., December 3rd. Tri-blend (soft-style) tees and sweatshirts are available for purchase. Please see the attached order form.
3 months ago, Lauren Hodde
Congratulations to our athletes who earned All-District honors this season!! We are so proud of the Lady Panther volleyball teams and want to congratulate them on an outstanding season. Thank you to our fans as well for the love and support you have shown us. Until next year!
3 months ago, Blaire Smith
volleyball all-district
PLEASE SEE CHANGES TO THE SCHEDULE!!! The varsity girls will be playing in the Caldwell Tournament this week. Attached is the game times and ticket info.
3 months ago, Lauren Hodde