Super's Letter

January 8, 2024

What a great time to be a Burton Panther!!!

HAPPY NEW YEAR! So very glad to welcome back our students and staff to this next semester of the 2023-2024 school year. Looking forward to more amazing learning and successes!

January is School Board Recognition. Thank you to the Burton ISD Board of Trustees for your dedication and commitment to our students. We appreciate you: Jeff Harmel-Burton ISD President, Misty Lucherk-Burton ISD Vice President, Donna Putnam-Burton ISD Secretary, and Burton ISD trustees Demetrius Colvin, Sr., David Warner, Sr., Dean Fuchs, and Brian Hinze.

  Burton ISD Building Project Update: The grading of the road and parking lot for phase one has been completed as planned. The area for the high school classrooms and gym has been cut to grade and prepped for concrete. The building pad is prepared for chemical injections, then select fill will be hauled in and packed into place. Multiple water lines and smaller storm drainage around the high school gym building were installed as well as unmarked utilities located. Hellas has begun the process of installing turf on the new football field. 

Burton ISD continues to host on-site daily and weekly meetings with contractors and suppliers to identify and discuss the building project progress. 

 Burton ISD welcomes your involvement, appreciates everyone’s effort to collaborate, and is thankful for your support throughout the Facilities Construction Project process. Please email questions to

Please feel free to come visit Burton Independent School District and thank you in advance for taking the time to find out more about our schools, our professional staff, our exemplary students, and our excellent academic programs. Burton Schools is a perfect place to get an education that will prepare your child for a bright future. 

There is a tremendous amount of community support that goes into the success of our programs in Burton ISD. We appreciate everyone who helps make a positive impact on our schools. All of us working cooperatively make Burton ISD better together. So very proud to be a BURTON PANTHER! 

Lots of great things going on this school year. Follow all of our activities on the Burton ISD website @, check out the Burton ISD app, and keep up with the latest happenings on the Burton ISD Facebook page and other social media venues. 

The pride of the Burton Panthers is embedded in all of us whether we are a student, an alumni, a community member, a staff member and employee, a parent, board member and/or a proud supporter and in many cases all of the above. We love our Panthers and like to think that the culture we are providing in educating our students is a reason why parents want their children to attend Burton ISD. We value our school district and always put students first. For the 2023-2024 school year, Learning is Llamazing as we Rise Up @ Burton ISD!!!  Have a blessed day and GO BIG RED!!!